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King’s Speech promises laws to nationalise train operations and set up GBR

Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves talking on a train - 2024 - Alamy

The King has just delivered his speech at the State Opening of Parliament, setting out the coming year’s parliamentary agenda included laws to deliver the new Labour government’s railway policies.

As expected, there will be legislation to bring passenger rail services into public ownership as existing contracts expire or if operators fail to deliver on their commitments.

Legislation will also be introduced to establish Great British Railways as a new public body to oversee the country’s railways. Taken together, these moves are intended to end the fragmentation of the railway system, provide a better service, boost productivity and save money by not paying fees to private operators.

Speaking at the State Opening of Parliament, the King said: “My Ministers will bring forward legislation to improve the railways by reforming rail franchising, establishing Great British Railways and bringing train eight operators into public ownership”.

Reacting to the announcement, RIA chief executive, Darren Caplan said: “The Railway Industry Association (RIA) welcomes today’s King’s Speech as a strong legislative programme for driving growth by building sustainable infrastructure and improving transport.

"RIA and our members support the Government’s pledge to establish a reformed and unified railway system under Great British Railways focused on improving affordability, reliability and performance.

“A new body with strategic oversight and responsibility for rail can focus on meeting growing passenger demand and boosting industry revenues.”

Other proposed laws that are likely to affect the rail sector include a bill to streamline the planning process, which would accelerate the delivery of major infrastructure projects, and an English Devolution Bill giving more powers to local authorities.

Jason Prince, Director of the Urban Transport Group believes the announcement shows a strong signal of intent by the new government.

“The King’s Speech sends a strong signal of intent that this Government is serious about transforming our transport sector. Our rail services need reform, so it is encouraging that the Government is moving ahead with the creation of Great British Railways."

“As city regions that deliver transport services for millions of people day in, day out, we stand ready to work with the new Government to help realise their ambitions.”

Rail Partners Chief Executive, Andy Bagnall said: "Train companies have been calling for radical reform of the railway for several years, including the creation of Great British Railways, so the commitment to reform in today’s King’s Speech is an important milestone. However, getting the detail right below the headline is critical to achieving the government’s ambitions for green growth and reducing the railway’s financial burden on the taxpayer.

‘We want the same outcomes as the new Labour Government – a better railway for those that use it and pay for it. But to change the railway for the better, we must correctly understand the causes of the current challenges to get the right solutions – and full nationalisation is a political not a practical solution, which will increase costs over time."

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