The first refurbished Class 319/3 for Northern Rail, 319362, returned to Allerton depot, Merseyside, in the early hours of December 3. It has been refurbished by Knorr-Bremse at Wolverton Works, and has been repainted into Northern livery. It is the first of six with the operator to be refurbished.
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Bob - 04/12/2014 08:22
six carriages. Way to create a 'northern powerhouse'. Third or fourth hand stock should keep them quite up there!
Anthony Norman Sneath - 04/12/2014 20:34
I think you will find that it is six UNITS as in twenty four carriages. But there again, it's Thameslink's throw outs
James Miller - 05/12/2014 06:12
It will be interesting to see how well these trains scrub up. After all, behind the badly designed 1980s interior, a Mark 3 coach is struggling to get out.
Melvyn - 05/12/2014 23:34
These trains are still younger than 40 year old PEP stock many London commuters use !
J Marsden - 09/12/2014 14:26
Well keep them in London and send us in the North some new stock eg 387. We pay taxes up here as well as those in the south east
David Snape - 19/03/2015 20:52
They have to be better than clapped out pacers (Class 142s), the ride will be a lot smoother.