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Eurotunnel seeks compensation for migrant problems

Eurotunnel posted a rise in revenue and profits for the year ending December 31 2015 - and is making a 29 million euros (£22.5m) compensation claim for disruption and damage caused by migrants last year.

At 1.22 billion euros (£949m), revenues were up 5% on 2014’s figures, while Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA) rose by three million euros to 542 million euros (£422m). Operating profits were up 2% to 387 million euros (£301m), and net results were profits of 100 million euros (£78m), compared with 2014’s total of 74 million euros.

On its compensation claim, Eurotunnel said: “The security of the Fixed Link being the responsibility of the two governments, a claim for 29 million euros has been made via the Intergovernmental Commission to compensate essentially the revenue losses due to migrant pressure.”

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  • Andrewjgwilt1989 - 01/03/2016 09:23

    And that's why most people are saying that the channel tunnels need to be closed but there are gates on the portals with CCTV and security forces patrolling the tunnel portals and to stop migrants from crossing inside the channel tunnel migrate to the UK.

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    • FrankH - 04/03/2016 16:04

      HS1 and the tunnels were a leap forward in cross channel passage. The migrant chaos couldn't have been forseen when built so strenthened high security fencing wasn't considered necessary. Both governments could have reacted a little quicker though instead of waiting for it to develop into full scale daily rioting.

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