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Staying in the EU is best for Britain – and transport

Secretary of State for Transport Patrick McLoughlin calls for readers to vote for Britain to stay in the EU on June 23. He says: “I’ve listened to those making the case for Brexit. And frankly, many are putting their faith in a new Utopia – a perfect world free of all outside meddling, yet one that somehow allows Britain to retain all the benefits of free trade. But the truth is, if we became like Norway, we’d still have to comply with European laws governing ports and shipping, car emissions, air travel, road haulage, rail competition, and many other aspects of transport. We’d just have no power to change them. Of course Europe’s not perfect. But rather than commit an act of self sabotage by quitting the EU, let’s work together to improve it.”

  • We've read it in: Transport Times, May 2016, p13