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UITP gives its view on an autonomous future

Autonomous vehicles will lead to a “dystopian” future of even more private vehicle traffic and increasing congestion on roads unless they are employed as shared fleets and integrated into traditional public transport networks, according to a positioning paper from the international association of public transport (UITP). The paper states that, despite the risk of increased congestion due to car travel becoming even more comfortable and attractive, an alternative exists. It suggests that the vehicles be put to use in shared fleets as ‘robo-taxis’, mini-buses or in car-sharing fleets. “Autonomous vehicles offer the chance for a fundamental change – as a key part of tomorrow’s integrated transport systems with public transport as a backbone – but if we do not act now vehicle automation might even further increase the volume and use of private cars with all of the associated negative externalities.” Secretary Alain Flausch said.

We've read it in: Passenger Transport, January 27 2017 (Issue 152), Page 18