Opinion - Page 17
COMMENT FROM THE ARCHIVES: R892 - Build HS2 in full, says Review
I am told this Government contracting insanity turbocharges costs by one third…this would equate to £20bn on the full Y network.
COMMENT FROM THE ARCHIVES: R875 - New trains… old problems
“With the dead hand of the Department looming over every decision, what chance does the industry have?”
COMMENT FROM THE ARCHIVES: R874 - Responsibility… accountability
“Perhaps Williams is treading carefully so as not to scare the horses at the DfT and in Government”
COMMENT FROM THE ARCHIVES: R873 - RDG proposals are a lifeline Government should seize
“A new way of delivering the railway cannot now be avoided… and a radical fare review must be part of it.”
COMMENT FROM THE ARCHIVES: R872 - Stakes could not be higher
"I wish Andrew Haines well. Government cannot succeed unless NR succeeds and the rest of the industry cannot succeed if Haines fails."
COMMENT FROM THE ARCHIVES: R871 - Time for really radical change
“...a cabinet office minister said ...that too often when discussing policy, officials just ‘didnt know what they were talking about”
COMMENT FROM THE ARCHIVES: R870 - Long fare freezes don’t work ...but passengers deserved to pay no more in 2019
“Raise fares reasonably, then improve services - this is the only sensible way forward.”
COMMENT FROM THE ARCHIVES: R869 - Williams Review is critical
“This review is something the industry desperately needs. 2018 was a disaster for the railway.”
RAIL 833: Why Waterloo is so crucial
Project’s success can pave the way for outside investment