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Stepping stones to a rebalanced Britain

A better fares system

The current fares system in the North is a hodge-podge of different policies and approaches. Fares in the North are therefore not easily or widely understood.

Through their franchise agreements, Northern, TPE and East Midlands Trains should be required to work together to create an integrated structure that could be applied to all journeys across the North. Over time it could be implemented using a smartcard approach, as in London and being introduced by PTEs/Combined Authorities in the North. The new franchise provides a good opportunity to begin the process of recasting the fares structure in the North, with a number of objectives in mind:

  • A zonal structure would make fares simpler. The experience of zonal fares in London is that it increases patronage and satisfaction.
  • Greater consistency across the North - journeys of similar lengths should have similar fares.
  • A clear and demonstrably fair basis for market segmentation (for example - workday peak, off-peak, advance purchase, railcards, group size, social discounts).
  • Work towards a series of readily understandable and marketable price points. A big limitation of today’s price structure is that most flexible fares are quoted to the nearest 10p, and do not lend themselves to marketing based on easily understood price points.

However, a presumption that rail fares are too low in the North is unfounded. Once allowance is made for income levels in the North, rail fares are actually higher in the North than around London.


The exciting vision for the railway of 20 years’ time must not distract from the need to include in the new Northern franchise important stepping stones towards that goal.

Another ‘minimum cost’ franchise would jeopardise the future for which Government, HS2 Ltd, One North, Rail North and now Transport for the North are all planning. The need to devolve planning, modernise rolling stock, improve stations and reform fares, to start the transformation of the customer experience, is pressing.