Major Projects
How can HS2 be made to work now?
HS2's long-term aim and short-term mission: Stuart Porter revisits requirements for HS2, to examine how to make optimum use of train paths.
What next for High Speed 2?
HS2 has been mired in controversy for years as fierce arguments continue about spiralling costs and what will actually be built. Ben Jones asks what's next.
HS2’s complex alignments at Calvert
Chris Howe reports on construction progress of a short section that will be key to providing links with East West Rail and other rail facilities.
Interview: 2020 review author Sir Douglas Oakervee on HS2's future
With the eastern and northern legs of HS2 cancelled since the Oakervee Review, its author talks to Peter Pilsner about what happens next for HS2.
Euston’s HS2 green light…but questions remain
Euston will be the London terminus for HS2. But locals are fed up with the disruption and uncertainty about its timing and form.
The great push forward to finish HS2 construction in Buckinghamshire
Chris Howe reports on progress with two key structures in Buckinghamshire.
High-speed rail on a low-impact viaduct
Paul Bigland heads to Buckinghamshire, to view progress on HS2’s Thame Valley viaduct.
Is NPR ready for the next level?
RICHARD WILCOCK examines the on-off history of Northern Powerhouse Rail, and asks whether the time is right (and what must happen) for the project to be advanced
UK-first construction method used for new HS2 viaduct at Wendover Dean
Few structures on HS2 will afford views from the train but one of them is the Wendover Dean viaduct, being built just a few kilometres south of the town
The changing face of the Piccadilly Line
Here, we examine the £2.9 billion investment programme on London Underground’s Piccadilly Line.
Top Stories
Reopenings special: What hope now for the 'railway deserts'?
With the demise of the Restoring Your Railway fund, have the prospects for rail reopenings ended with it? Joe Campbell reports.
Rail Minister Lord Hendy: nationalisation and the future of rail
After seven months in office, what has Rail Minister Lord Hendy achieved? In an exclusive RAIL interview, Paul Clifton tries to find out.
What caused the Moorgate Tube crash of 1975?
Fifty years ago, 43 people lost their lives in the Moorgate Tube crash. Mike Lewis was at the station that morning, and vividly remembers the scenes.