Insight - Page 10
Defining efficiency… and meeting the targets
Rail is under constant pressure to meet capacity, satisfaction & value for money. Is it possible to accurately measure rail’s performance? asks PHILIP HAIGH
Practical steps forward in addressing skills shortage
With no guarantee that Government investment will continue, the industry must attract and train tomorrow’s workforce. STEFANIE BROWNE reports
Runway decision…
Better rail access to airports is key to the future of UK aviation, argues PAUL CLIFTON
NR’s Digital Railway: built from the bottom up
Digital Railway is a priority for Network Rail, but its complexity offers major challenges. DAVID WABOSO, NR’s Managing Director, discusses its implementation
Autonomous vehicles: a course of action
Just how far along the road is the development of driverless technology, and should the rail industry be treating it as a threat or as an opportunity?
The RDG’s role in brokering rail’s Brexit
As the UK prepares to leave the EU, RailReview’s Editorial Board has called for leadership from the Rail Delivery Group. Paul Clifton speaks with Paul Plummer
How to put freight back on an upward curve
As the steady increase in rail freight in Britain comes to a dramatic end, ANTHONY LAMBERT looks at the Department for Transport’s response and what can be done
Who's Who at Network Rail
With so many people changing roles and new people joining the rail industry, we have created a reference guide to senior management at Network Rail.
Brexit... a positive catalyst for change?
As we prepare for life outside the EU, what opportunities and challenges confront the rail industry?
Brexit and the UK rail sector: the legal debate
DAVID MOORE and KEIR PIMBLETT of law firm Dentons study the legal aspects of Brexit.