Features - Page 6
FLIRT bi-mode trains help Greater Anglia to top performing operator
Ben Jones visits East Anglia to see how the Swiss-built Stadler bi-mode trains and the Derby-built ‘Aventras’ have helped GA in their first five years.
Wales and Western’s route to reliability
Network Rail’s Project Brunel should improve performance on the Wales and Western Region. How have the first six months gone? Tom Edwards find out.
A rail network epic exploration: Wales to London via South Coast
Part two of Paul Bigland’s All-Line Rover trip takes him on trains battered by the elements… and teenage passengers
Rail devolution: sidelined, delayed or arriving soon?
Transport for London has long wanted to take over more of the capital’s suburban rail network, but how would that fit in with central rail policy? By Tom Edwards
One way to tackle recruitment difficulties breaks new ground
The new government is looking to recruit 100,000 people into the rail industry. One train maintenance company has taken matters into its own hands.
The great push forward to finish HS2 construction in Buckinghamshire
Chris Howe reports on progress with two key structures in Buckinghamshire.
Can the Royal Mail trains keep on running?
After Royal Mail decided to stop using its own trains, Andy Comfort hears how the 30-year-old trains may still have plenty of life left in them.
Opinion: Royal Mail's decision was a setback but rail freight can grow
Guest columnist Maggie Simpson OBE, Director General of the Rail Freight Group, says its essential for private sector to invest in rail freight.
A rail network epic exploration: Halifax to Chester
Paul Bigland is back on his biennial travels, touring the nation’s rail network with an All-Line Rover, starting in the North West…
How can freight be a major part of rail’s future?
Great British Railways will need to focus on nationalised passenger services. Freight could lose out. Heads of the two largest companies talk to Paul Clifton.